About KN00 Nail Clipper

About KN00 Nail Clipper

Two years isn't long, but 800 days and nights are too much; we can't wait to communicate with everyone.

We made a Nail Clipper.
To be precise, we created one two years ago.

Now, it's my turn to describe it to you, as we've done with our past products. But I find myself at a loss staring at it.

Should I focus on its "appearance? Its material? Its function?" Like describing all the great things in this world? But it's just a nail clipper, commonplace and ordinary, far from what one might call 'great'.

To be honest, ever since its design was conceived in early 2021, my honeymoon phase with it ended. For a long time, I doubted it was a lesson the world was teaching me for my arrogance and ignorance.

Everyone knows I love collecting keychain trinkets, which led to the birth of KeyUnity. Nail clippers are among my favorite collectibles (my nails grow quickly). I've amassed countless clippers from around the world, always buying them whenever I can, yet I remain passionate and critical, never fully satisfied.

Many of you know the annoyance of being nicked by sharp nail edges, the discomfort of using a dull blade. Clippers that are effective yet bulky, stylish yet dull, right-sized but inconveniently shaped...

KeyUnity KN00  Nail Clipper

"Amidst these frustrations, the initial design of this nail clipper was born."
We named it KN00, the first in this product series.

We always tend to be overly optimistic about what's next, and the observant customer might have noticed that our KN01 clippers sold out a year ago, but KN00 never made its appearance.

Here, I especially want to thank a fan who, since I shared the KN00 design concept two years ago, has kept a close eye and frequently asked me when this product would be available. "

(ins@john_howe8) Brother, seriously, if it weren't for your persistent inquiries, I might have sneakily deleted that post from back then, making it seem like it never happened." Thank you for your persistence; it was crucial in preventing the demise of KN00.

Of course, there are many others to thank for KN00's birth, which makes writing this particularly complex.

It went through three prototypes, two scrapped batches, and countless issues - none of which can be summed up in a few swear words (I know swearing is bad, but I'm serious). We are in business after all, and from a business standpoint, such a troubled product should be cut off promptly for financial health and brand development.

But we are more than just a business; we strive to create better products. "It might be an ordinary everyday item, but it refuses to be mediocre."

Thanks to the manufacturer's relentless efforts, we overcame the technical challenges; thanks to every team member who believes in KeyUnity's philosophy.

Good news - on November 24th at 00:00 PST, KN00 will officially go on sale at KeyUnity's website (https://keyunity.net/).
The bad news is, we only have 20 units available.

"We're not perfect, this is just the beginning."

Imperfection means we have many more technical challenges to overcome in the future, preventing us from mass-producing them quickly, hence the limited quantity this time.

Everyone hopes to find comrades-in-arms. We hope someone will compare it with any other nail clipper and give us feedback. Two years isn't long, but 800 days and nights are too much; we can't wait to communicate with everyone.

"The future is long, and with you, KeyUnity will grow."
Thank you!

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